Based on Restrains Three Times of Transects Interpolating Function and Tts the Application 基于约束三次样条插值函数及其应用
Based on the analytical expressions of singe pile and Lagrange interpolating function, the closed-form analytical expressions of displacement fields of soil around jacked group piles were derived. 在此基础上,结合拉格朗日插值函数推导出了考虑施工顺序及遮栏效应的群桩挤土位移场的解析解。
Error Fitting for Spine Interpolating Function of GM ( 1,1) Model GM(1,1)模型的样条插值函数的残差拟合
We discuss with emphasis constructing osculatory rational interpolating function ( or vector-valued osculatory rational interpolating function, matrix-valued osculatory rational interpolating function) by the method of convex combination, and we also discuss the method of reducing number of times of rational fraction. 重点讨论了构造一元数量值、向量值、矩阵值切触有理插值的凸组合方法以及降低有理分式函数次数的原则,然后将所给方法推广到二元的情形。
The Asymptotic Expansion Term of Remainder Term for First Kind Cubic Spline Interpolating Function for Inequality Distance 非等距三次样条(Ⅰ)型插值函数余项渐近展开
Error estimate about the third class of half-logarithm spline interpolating function 关于第三类半对数spline插值函数的误差估计
THE INTERPOLATING FUNCTION ON THE NODES OF RECTANGLE NET Spline Interpolation at Knot Averages on a Geometric Mesh 矩形网格节点上的插值函数在等比节点平均上的样条插值
The Sectioned Interpolating Function of Reproducing Kernel in Reproducing Kernel Spaces H_0~ 1 再生核空间H0~1中分段再生核插值函数
This paper introduces the application of cubic spline interpolating function in chemical process design and calculation, and points out the precautions for application. 探讨三次样条插值函数在化工工艺设计计算中的应用,并提出应注意的问题。
Moreover, we analyze explicitly selection of weighted function, reversibility of A matrix, confirm of radius of influencing domain and characteristic of interpolating function and so on. 并对移动最小二乘法的权函数的选取、A矩阵的可逆性、影响域半径的确定以及插值函数的性质等关键性问题都进行了详细的分析。
Applying the near-point weighted interpolating function, an equitime map is drawn; 采用近点加权插值函数作出等时图;
On the Methods of Constructing Osculatory Rational Interpolating Function 构造切触有理插值函数方法的研究
According to Nyquist criterion, interpolating function for PAL signals is derived and TV image reproducing quality in the conventional television system is discussed. An interpolating method used to improve TV image quality is presented. The interpolating principle and filtering characteristic are mathematically analyzed. 根据Nyquist准则,导出PAL信号的内插函数,并按此准则讨论常规电视系统中图像的重现质量,建立一种改善图像质量的插值方式,对其插值原理和滤波特性进行了数学分析。
On the basis of boundary element method, this method is to make use of the cubic B-splines to obtain an interpolating function, and to deal with the boundary curve of domain. 该方法是在边界元法的基础上,应用3次B样条函数作为插值函数,并对边界进行几何近似,建立了B样条边界元离散化方程。
In this paper we introduce interpolating operator of polynomial form and parameters which is fixed to treat, and construct osculatory rational interpolating function by the method of convex combination. 本文通过引入多项式形式插值算子及待定的参数,用凸组合方法来构造切触有理插值函数。
Cubic Spline Interpolating Function Applied in handling Data of Dyeing and Finishing Processing 在染整工业中应用三次样条插值函数处理数据
In this paper, based on instantaneous potential energy principle and spline interpolating function, the structural dynamic spline finite element equation are derived. 根据瞬时势能原理与样条插值函数,导出结构动力样条有限元方程。
Walsh Interpolating Function and Walsh Series 沃尔什插值函数和沃尔什级数
Taking reproducing kernel as the interpolating basis function in the reproducing kernel space we have designed the sectioned interpolating function of reproducing kernel and have discussed the best property of the interpolating function. 在再生核空间H01中,以其再生核作为插值逼近的基函数,构造了分段再生核插值函数,并讨论了该插值函数的最佳性质。
The application of weighted residuals with moved least square interpolating function to analysis of beams and plates on elastic foundation 在地基上梁板分析中移动最小二乘插值函数加权残值法的应用
Indefinite integral of binary fractal interpolating function 二元分形插值函数的不定积分
In above this mentality foundation, proposed the volume method of superposition, the separate summation and the Lagrange interpolating function to form the three capsule volume computational methods, and has made the detailed introduction to each method. 在此思路的基础之上,提出了体积叠加法、离散求和法和拉格朗日插值函数法3种胶囊容积计算方法,并对每一种方法作了详细介绍。
In this paper, with the help of the property of self-affine transformation, we discussed the fractal interpolation and found out the fractal interpolating function in the given data. 本文借助于自仿射变换的性质,讨论了给定数据点的分形插值法,给出了插值于一般数据点的分形插值函数。
A novel approach, the finite element method ( FEM) using Fourier series as the interpolating function, is presented in this paper for calculating the quasistatic characteristics of cylindrical coupled microstrip transmission lines filled with multilayered dielectrics. 本文提出一种计算圆柱形多层介质耦合微带线准静态特性的新方法&采用傅里叶级数作为插值函数的有限元方法。
At first, the indefinite integral of binary fractal interpolating function generated by IFS is proved, and its IFS is given. 首先证明二元插值函数的不定积分也是由迭代函数系迭代生成的,并得到了其迭代函数系。
For assigned interpolating condition, whether we can construct osculatory rational interpolating function just like constructing multinomial interpolating function is worth researching. 因此,对于给定的插值条件,能否象构造多项式插值函数那样来构造插值公式,是值得研究的问题。
Second, the sufficient and necessary condition for second-order partial derivative of binary fractal interpolating function equaling itself is obtained. The sufficient and necessary condition is extended to 2N-th order partial derivative. 其次,证明了二元插值函数的不定积分的2阶混合偏导数等于其二元插值函数本身的充要条件,并推广到2N阶的情形。
The Calculation of Gear Load Distribution Factor K_ β By Using Optimized Rational Interpolating Function 用最优化有理插值函数计算齿轮载荷分布系数Kβ
Describe the pressure variation of node in grid with bilinear interpolating function. These equations are dispersed in time by using backward difference method. 用双线性函数描述网格结点的压力变化,在时间上用向后差分法进行离散。
So in recent years, rational interpolation splines have received more and more attention. First, this thesis gives a necessary and sufficient condition to judge the existence of the rational interpolating function, and obtains a concrete expression form of the rational interpolating function. 近年来引起了人们越来越多的关注。本文首先介绍了判断有理插值问题存在性的充分必要条件,随后给出了其存在情况下的有理插值函数的具体表达式。